Happy Friday everyone! The Follow My Book Blog and Blog Hop Friday hosted by Parajunkee's View and Crazy For Books.
The first question is: How many books do you read in a week? And in what format do you read them, or listen to them?
I’m not a very fast reader and finish an average of two books a week, usually one bound book and another on my ereader. I wish I read faster because my TBR pile is stacking up, both in electronically and on my bookshelf.

The second question is: What book-to-movie adaption have you most liked? Which have you disliked?
My favorite book-to-movie adaptation is Pride & Prejudice (the version with Keira Knightly). Yes, yes, I know it’s different from the book and many Jane Austen purists hate it but it just works for me and I have watched it on DVD more times than I can count. The miniseries version with Colin Firth is really good too, but longer. If I need a quick P&P fix, I just watch the movie. Which book-to-movie have I disliked? The one that immediately comes to mind is Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. Awesome book, disappointing movie.
over here in the uk, they did a tv series of Pride and Prejudice. It was so good. But then its a great story!
Happy blog hopping!
I also love the Pride & Prejudice movie with Keira Knightly, it's one of my fave movies :)
I'm a new follower btw.
While I tend to hate adaptations, I'm usually OK with the Jane Austen movies (movies not that horrid Pride, Prejudice & Zombies book). While the Keira Knightly one isn't my favorite P&P adaptation, I do love how the movie is shot. The proposal scene - wonderful!
Happy Friday!
I'm following you now.
I think PJ is the most popular answer I've seen for disliking a book to movie adaptation. I think what really gets me is that it wasn't just a bad adaptation, but a terrible movie.
Hey T.B., just stopping by on the follow & hop
I have issues with books made into movies!
Come see why!
Have a terrific weekend reading !!!
See ya!
Readaholics Anonymous
I just got Percy Jackson in from Netflix. Uh-oh. :)
Jennifer | Book Den
I love the Pride and Prejudice adaptations (both mini-series and movie).
I haven't read Percy Jackson but I agree that the movie was awful. I have been avoiding the books because of it, but maybe I should give them a try...
here is my FF/BBH link: http://liedermadchen.blogspot.com/2011/05/follow-friday-2-and-book-blogger-hop-2.html
Happy FF! What kind of e-reader do you have? I have a kindle and I love it! My follow friday post is over at my blog (i’m already a follower)
Book Savvy Babe
I Love the P&P movie! Great choice.
Yeah i hated the Percy Jackson movie, the only part i could watch was the Steve Coogan bit.
Liking the blog.
Amy@adumbrations (new follower)
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