Currently, I am giving away a copy of Delirium by Lauren Oliver along with some swag. Click here to enter.
This week's first question is: What character in a book would you most like to be, what character in a book would you most like to date?
There are so many great characters out there, it’s hard to choose! I just finished The Iron Queen and am really loving Megan and Ash right now! Their relationship is awesome and the world building in the book is great! I also have a fondness for Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games. Her world is awful, but she is such a strong character and killer with the bow and arrow. I also wouldn’t mind being Anna from Anna and the French Kiss – can you imagine spending an all expense paid year in Paris?!?

As a relatively new blogger, I have been blessed to communicate with so many fantastic bloggers that have given me critical advice and support. I can’t thank them enough. I would love to meet the super supportive Jenny from Into The Morning Reads and New Books for New Bloggers: a site that that gives away a popular new title to new bloggers every month. How great is that?!? Also, I would love to meet Amber from Awesomesauce Book Club who took the time to give me invaluable advice on blog hops and media mail when I was just starting out. Love her!
Hmm... I think Anita Blake from that wonderfully long series by Laurell Hamilton. She kills zombies and defys vampires and is a kick a$$ chick! I would love to be able to do a thing or two as she does.
As for date! Too many to name! Let's go for any or ALL of the Dark Hunters from Sherrilyn Kenyon's series!
Zombies are for May! Morbid Romantica Challenge links are up for Zombies along with a few book ideas. Some I myself will be trying out! Stop by and let me know which Zombie book I should be reading!
Mad Scientist
Steampunkery & Book Reviews
For The L♥ve of Reading
The Iron Queen and Hunger Games are two books I really wanna read
- Kylie http://reviews.blueteacup.com/
I picked Anna from Anna and the French Kiss too.. Paris and St Clair - swoon.
Have a great weekend!
Conrad from We'll Always Have Summer
Gosh, I had real problems choosing! Not only characters, but setting as well. So I kind of chose two for each "world", he he. So hard questions!
Old follower. :) My FF can be found here!
Rebecca @ kindle fever
I love Megan and Ash!! I still need to read Anna, but I'm anxious to get to it soon!
HI!! Awww I would love to meet you too! And I am super glad I actually gave good advice.lol. I hope you have a great weekend!
I’ve met so many great people via the Book Book Blogger Con at Book Expo America I honestly can’t come up with a single name of a book blogger I want to meet but haven’t yet!
I’m heading back to BBC @ BEA. I hope to see you there!
Hop on by my blog and just say hi – http://www.howardsherman.net
Howard Sherman
Happy Follow Friday! I am a follower! Hope you will stop by http://EmmaMichaels.Blogspot.com
Emma Michaels
Happy Saturday :) Hopping over...new follower.
Check my blog out at http://everydayadventure11.blogspot.com
Hopping by from the Blog Hop.
I like this week's question.
Found your blog via the spring carnival. I am a new blogger, just starting out. Following you now :)
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