I was looking around on Goodreads and noticed that after all these years,
The Soul by Stephenie Meyer has a cover. There isn’t a description, publisher information (
The Host was published by Little, Brown and Company) or publish date which makes me a skeptical about if this is real or not.
There is also no information on Meyer’s website but it seems she only posts there once in a while. I loved
The Host and would really like to read another science fiction book by Meyer. Does anyone know if
The Soul will really be published and if this is the actual cover?
Oh my GOSHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I would die if this were a real book! I freakin loved THE HOST! :D
I had heard rumors that she would be publishing more books in the series, and I hope it's true. I have no idea if this is the real cover or not. If it is, I am completely underwhelmed.
I saw this too, and wondering where it came from.
I don't believe anyone can upload covers on goodreads..
I hope SM comes out and tells us whether or not its real.
I did read while she was on set of The Host, she was doing some writing
OH WOW, I loved The Host even more than the Twilight books, so if she's doing more of them I'd LOVE IT. I haven't seen or heard anything before this, though! I'll be on the lookout for sure now.
I doubt that this is the real cover, but there is definately going to be two sequels very soon. Most websites say that 'the seeker' will be the next title of the sequel, but others say 'the soul'. The book is already done- It is in editing, and to be honest, it will be in the final stages now. I am betting it will be out by this May :)
What I know about the sequels: Ian will play/ sing something musical for Wanda, It begins with a jogging scene after the prologue, and Melanie will have to do something that Stephenie Meyer thinks will prove a challenge to Saorise Ronan. This book is also more about survival than love according to Stephenie Meyer.
This is not fake- All off real interviews which i am super exited about!
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